Widespread Snow Possible this Weekend (June 2024)

Snow forecasts are certainly always fascinating. In just one day the weather models are showing a substantially different and even stronger more widespread snow forecast than the forecast we posted for you yesterday.

The weather models now indicate quite a vast area of the Northern Cape could see snow including parts of Southern Namibia.

The Southern parts of the Northern Cape around Sutherland could possible even see 5-10cm of snow in places.

Forecasts for the Matroosberg and surrounding mountains of the Western Cape are also looking very promising and of course a fair deal of the Eastern Cape into Lesotho, all along the Drakensberg mountain range and ground / low level snow for the towns in the foothills of the Drakensberg mountains is also possible.

The current models even show some small chances of snow in the North-Eastern Free State but we will have to keep eyes on that and see what the next forecast update reveals.

KEEP IN MIND forecast maps are unable to show surrounding areas which may receive light snow or flurries so many places not shown on the map may see a small sprinkle of the joyous white stuff.

The cold front of a strong frontal depression is expected to make landfall to the Cape Of Storms this Thursday. As if the cold front is not enough, a Cut-Off Low Pressure System (COL) is also expected to develop just west of SA on Saturday, bringing even further adverse weather to large parts of SA.

When a strong cold front usually arrives after months of warm weather, it often catches people off-guard, resulting in stock losses and even death of people, animals and crops as people did not expect it to become “that cold” so rapidly.

It will be the first cold front in at least 7 months to bring a significant drop in temperatures and possible snow to large parts of SA. The cold front will bring cool to cold conditions to the western, central and southern parts of Namibia; and western and parts of central SA on Thursday, spreading to most parts of SA on Friday, except the extreme northern and north-eastern parts.

Cold to very cold weather conditions are expected to persist over most parts of SA until next week. Morning frost is also expected to develop over large parts of SA next week.

BE AWARE it is going to be COLD to BITTERLY COLD across the entire country this weekend as winter arrives with a vengeance. Make sure to stay warm, avoid travelling on icy roads and be prepared for the HIGH POSSIBILITY or Load Shedding to return.

We will keep you updated.

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• Please take the extra care to provide for your pets and livestock during cold periods.

• Management of the cow’s environment- move all livestock to the safe area. e.g. warm place’,

• It is very important that livestock be provided extra hay/forage/feed as up to double the calories for normal body heat maintenance may be needed in extreme cold.

• Do not shear the Angora goat. Also, take extra time to observe livestock, looking for early signs of disease and injury.

• Severe cold-weather injuries or death primarily occur in the very young or in animals that are already debilitated. Cases of cold weather-related sudden death in calves often result when cattle are suffering from undetected infection, particularly pneumonia. Sudden, unexplained livestock deaths and illnesses should be investigated quickly so that a cause can be identified and steps can be taken to protect remaining animals.

• Special attention should be paid to very young and old animals. They may be less able to tolerate temperature extremes and have weaker immune systems.


• Protect plants by Covering – paper, cloth – over framework around tree, mulching

• Wrapping trunks of frost sensitive trees eg. citrus

• Watering during cold stages (irrigate drop with frost/apply just a trickle at base of tree)

• Increase air circulation


• Our animals, especially indoor/outdoor pets, probably do not have an adequate cold coat for protection in these very low temperatures.

• Hypothermia and dehydration are the two most probable life-threatening conditions for animals in cold weather, wet conditions and wind-chill add greatly to the cold-stress for animals.

• Livestock should be provided with wind-break and roof shelter, and monitored for signs of discomfort (extensive shivering, weakness, lethargy, etc.)

• It is critical that animals have access to drinking water. Usual water sources may freeze solid in low temperatures and dehydration becomes a life-threatening factor. Many of our animals, especially the young, may not know how or be unable to break several inches of ice to reach water. In general, animals tend to drink less in extreme cold, risking dehydration.

• Adding a warm sloppy bran mash, sloppy moistened beet pulp or soaking pelleted feed in warm water is a good way to add water to your horses; diet and provide some comfort food; in the cold weather.

• Select frost tolerant plants over frost prone areas

• Place cold sensitive plants in protected locations Western, northern exposures, full sun or lock walls.

• Do not prune cold-damaged plants until they begin growing in spring.

Information as received from, and shared with credit to, the Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

2 thoughts on “Widespread Snow Possible this Weekend (June 2024)

  1. Pingback: Snow predicted in these areas as winter finally arrives in SA

  2. Pingback: Widespread SNOW of up to 10cm expected in these areas | News 2Day

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